Infinite and multi-dimensional costs and performance calculation.

RediPro© is able to save all information, as well as its entire structure, connected to a business transaction, at the time that it is generated. In an outgoing invoice for example, the generation of the sales volume to be accounted, consist not only of amounts of money, but also other data such as:

  • amounts
  • units
  • unit prices
  • persons
  • locations (shipping, storage)
  • item
  • etc.

For the evaluation, all this data will be set in relation to the figures in the accounts. Heterogeneously organised processes combine the data at a later date. But their consistency still has to be proved. This is often not possible and this kind of evaluation may become a lottery or, proving their consistency is time-consuming. How often does it happen that five different departments using Excel tables produce five different sets of figures for the same thing? With RediPro© the correlation with double-entry accounting system is given, and therefore the authenticity of the data is also given. This is only possible due to the high degree of abstraction of the data model and has, as far as is known, not been achieved by any other system. As there is no doubting data saved in a homogenous system with the authenticity of double-entry accountancy, the consistency and authenticity of evaluations is guaranteed right from the beginning – ab ovo, so to speak. With RediPro©, the costs and uncertainties attached to compiling data at a later date in order to correlate it with the accounts, is not an issue . RediPro© will also copy the entire structure of your information. You can use exactly the same semantics that you are used to.

With RediPro© there is no misunderstanding about what the semantic meaning of a cost centre account is. “Talking account numbers” in which complex information is coded (e.g. 3rd position means “department”) is no longer necessary necessary.

The possibility of saving data and its entire structures, with the authenticity of a double-entry accounting system, at the time it is generated and in a homogenous system, as well as being able to guarantee consistency, is novel in the history of accounting. RediPro© extends a double-entry accounting system to an integral and consistent information system that has the authenticity of a double-entry accounting system.

Degree of budget detail

Decide yourself whether you want to budget just the basic balance/P&L positions or up to the personal accounts level or go as far as cost accounting and results accounts. The number of planning alternatives with RediPro© is - unlimited - infinite.

Costing values for cost units

Analogue to budgeting there are also any number of planning alternatives available for calculating orders. By importing data or by linking it through appropriate connection mechanisms, e.g. from your PPS (production planning and scheduling), full and direct costing (marginal costs) can be flexibly implemented – without having to record the data twice over. Redundancies will be avoided wherever possible and appropriate.