Everything within a company that can be measured (amounts, resources, social data) is ultimately put in relation to the accounts figures (i.e the dimension unit money). This is the principle upon which RediPro© builds. All data and information coalesce in RediPro. New, and particularly beneficial in this process, is the integral principal of Infinite Accounting©
Although RediPro© can itself be built into a complete ERP system, due to its openness RediPro© can be also merged into existing and proven infrastructures. It is not necessary to replace well-established order processing, production control, materials management etc.
The principle of Infinite Accounting© developed with RediPro© is the requirement that not only your actual accountancy figures (cash accounting) are conclusive. All other figures will also be saved in the context of probative double-entry accountancy; and - the complete structure as well as the semantic relations will also be displayed:
Therefore, for example, not only is the volume of an invoice but all other related information that forms the basis of the calculation also recorded. Everything that you now have saved in different systems (e.g. Excel tables), all data on which you spend a lot of effort, all data that has first to be painstakingly collected from different systems, all data that has to be retrospectively verified – all this data and these structures are already complete, accurate and absolutely consistent in RediPro© right from the beginning. Heterogeneous data sources can be completely avoided and, with them, data redundancy. This is why analyses really can become child’s play. In future, you can put away the Excel sheets where your data is kept.
RediPro© is possibly the only accounting system in the world that is per definition, revision secure at the same time as proving that the data are unchanged and respectively unharmed.